
Refurbished buildings will provide totally effective weatherproofing, updated levels of thermal insulation and refreshed appearance.

Price Roofing is the leading roof reconstruction company in Scotland and often acts as principal contractor, working directly for the client.

Using our knowledge of older roofing systems and our experience gained over very many years, we have developed safe and efficient methods of undertaking refurbishment works including, if required, the safe removal of asbestos cement materials in accordance with current legislation even when the affected building remains occupied and operational.

We undertake all necessary survey work to determine safe means of working and provide a detailed and quantified breakdown of the works required including all necessary access and fall protection measures.

As principal contractor, we will notify the Health & Safety Executive of the proposed works, prepare the required construction Phase Health & Safety Plan, prepare and review Risk Assessments & Method Statements and implement regular independent external safety inspections by a third party consultant.

All measures are provided to ensure that the client is protected from prosecution for failure to comply with safety legislation with which they may be unfamiliar.

Past Projects